European Parliament Training Programme for Young European Journalists

The European Parliament Training Programme for Young European Journalists, a collaborative effort by the European Parliament Office in Greece, Symbiosis-School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe in Greece, and Inside Story, welcomed aspiring journalists to a transformative journey during 27-29 November 2023.This initiative aimed at raising awareness among young journalists working for EU-based media outlets, providing insights into European affairs in general and Parliament-related topics in particular. The training played a crucial role in contributing to a better understanding of how the EU works, emphasizing the significance of the Parliament, parliamentary democracy, and the values it represents.

The 2023-2024 Programme

The programme, anchored in a comprehensive methodology, aimed to elevate awareness and hone the skills of emerging journalists across various media outlets. It focused on deepening participants’ comprehension of European affairs, with a specific emphasis on matters pertaining to the European Parliament. Through a comprehensive training approach, it facilitated a comparative exploration of Greek and European journalistic and news cultures, offering participants a nuanced understanding of the interconnected and multi-dimensional challenges confronted at the national and European levels.

Diverse participants, including journalists from print, TV, radio, and online platforms, as well as content creators, media managers, and data specialists, contributed to a rich and collaborative learning environment. Throughout the program, participants gained valuable insights into the complexities and unique dynamics of media landscapes, enhancing their understanding of challenges and opportunities in European and Greek journalism.

Participants engaged deeply with the multifaceted aspects of the European Union, acquiring a comprehensive understanding of its historical evolution and policy-shaping mechanisms. The discussions gravitated towards pivotal topics such as European democracy, the rule of law, and the intricacies of journalism in the Greek context. These dialogues not only facilitated a constructive exchange of ideas but also allowed young journalists to explore the intersections of their work within both national and European contexts.



Training in 3'
